Byron and Italy (Paperback)
作者: Alan Rawes 
分類: Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 ,
Literary studies: poetry & poets ,
Literary studies: plays & playwrights ,
Social & cultural history ,
c 1800 to c 1900 ,
書城編號: 1607817

售價: $350.00

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出版日期: 2019/12/20
尺寸: 216x138x21mm
重量: 341 grams
ISBN: 9781526143525
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Winner of the Elma Dangerfield Prize 2018

Byron in Italy - Venetian debauchery, Roman sight-seeing, revolution, horse-riding and swimming, sword-brandishing and pistol-shooting, the poet's 'last attachment' - forms part of the fabric of Romantic mythology. Yet Byron's time in Italy was crucial to his development as a writer, to Italy's sense of itself as a nation, to Europe's perceptions of national identity and to the evolution of Romanticism across Europe. In this volume, Byron scholars from Britain, Europe and beyond re-assess the topic of 'Byron and Italy' in all its richness and complexity. They consider Byron's relationship to Italian literature, people, geography, art, religion and politics, and discuss his navigations between British and Italian identities.

Alan Rawes 作者作品表

Byron and Italy (Paperback)

eBook: Byron's Poetic Experimentation: Childe Harold, the Tales and the Quest for Comedy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Byron's Poetic Experimentation: Childe Harold, the Tales and the Quest for Comedy (DRM PDF)

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