eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Michael Gard 
分類: Illness & addiction: social aspects ,
Sociology ,
Psychological theory & schools of thought ,
Health psychology ,
Medical sociology ,
Endocrinology ,
Obesity: treatment & therapy ,
Health & personal development ,
Sports management & facilities ,
Sports training & coaching  
書城編號: 20731018

售價: $702.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2010/11/05
頁數: 196
ISBN: 9781134009695
>> 相關實體書

Despite apocalyptic predictions from a vocal alliance of health professionals, politicians and social commentators that rising obesity levels would lead to a global health crisis, the crisis has not materialised. In this provocative follow up to his classic work of obesity scepticism, The Obesity Epidemic, Michael Gard argues that we have entered into a new, and perhaps terminal, phase of the obesity debate.Evidence suggests that obesity rates are levelling off in Western societies, life expectancies continue to rise in line with rising obesity rates, and across the world policy-makers have remained largely indifferent and inactive in the face of this apparently deadly threat to our health and well-being. Dissecting and dismissing much of the over-blown rhetoric and ideological bias found on both sides of the obesity debate, Gard demonstrates that the science of obesity remains radically uncertain and that it is impossible to establish an objective 'truth' on which to base policy. His powerful and inescapable conclusion is that we should now mark the end of the obesity epidemic.Offering a road map through the maze of claims and counter-claims, while still holding to a sceptical standpoint, this book provides an unparalleled anatomy of obesity as a scientific, political and cultural issue. It is essential reading for anybody with an interest in the science or sociology of health and lifestyle.
Michael Gard 作者作品表

eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM PDF)

eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM PDF)

eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: End of the Obesity Epidemic (DRM PDF)

End of the Obesity Epidemic (Paperback)

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