eBook: Terence: Andria (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Goldberg Sander M. Goldberg 
系列: Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions
分類: Classical texts ,
Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
Literary studies: plays & playwrights  
書城編號: 20947554

售價: $269.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2019/01/10
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781350020641
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Launching a much-needed new series discussing each comedy that survives from the ancient world, this volume is a vital companion to Terence's earliest comedy, Andria, highlighting its context, themes, staging and legacy. Ideal for students it assumes no knowledge of Latin, but is helpful also for scholars wanting a quick introduction. This will be the first port of call for anyone studying or researching the play.Though Andria launched Terence's career as a dramatist at Rome, it has attracted comparatively little attention from modern critics. It is nevertheless a play of great interest, not least for the sensitivity with which it portrays family relationships and for its influence on later dramatists. It also presents students of Roman comedy with all the features that came to characterize Terence's particular version of traditional comedy, and it raises all the interpretive questions that have dogged the study of Terence for generations. This volume will use a close reading of the play to explore the central issues in understanding Terence's style of play-making and its legacy.
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Goldberg Sander M. Goldberg 作者作品表

eBook: Terence: Andria (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Terence: Andria (DRM PDF)

eBook: Making of Menander's Comedy (DRM PDF)

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