eBook: Creativity in the Recording Studio: Alternative Takes (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Paul Thompson 
系列: Leisure Studies in a Global Era
分類: Music ,
Religious groups: social & cultural aspects ,
Sociology: sport & leisure  
書城編號: 22078438

售價: $1034.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2018/12/29
ISBN: 9783030016500
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Paul Thompson offers an alternative take on the romanticized and mythologized process of record-making. Side A illustrates how creativity arises out of a system in action, and introduces the history, culture, traditions and institutions that contribute to the process of commercial record production.  Side B demonstrates this system in action during the central tasks of songwriting, performing, engineering and producing. Using examples from John Lennon, David Bowie, Tupac Shakur, Bjork, Marta Salogni, Sylvia Massy and Rick Rubin, each chapter takes the reader inside a different part of the commercial record production process and uncovers the interactive and interrelated multitude of factors involved in each creative task.
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Money is everywhere: The wisdom keys of wealth (Paperback)

Policing In The Bahamas: 1951 and Beyond (Paperback)

Drosselmeyer: Dance of the Nutcracker (Paperback)

eBook: Creativity in the Recording Studio: Alternative Takes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Creativity in the Recording Studio: Alternative Takes (DRM PDF)

eBook: Narrative and Genre: Contexts and Types of Communication (DRM PDF)

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Voice of the Past (Paperback)

Training for the Complete Rower (Paperback)

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