eBook: Erganzungsprozesse: Transformation antiker Skulptur durch Restaurierung (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sascha Kansteiner 
系列: Transformationen der Antike
分類: Ancient history: to c 500 CE  
書城編號: 22123339

原價: HK$1339.00
現售: HK$1272.05 節省: HK$66.95

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製造商: De Gruyter
出版日期: 2013/07/31
頁數: 215
ISBN: 9783110331851
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 Although Antiquity itself has been intensively researched, together with its reception, to date this has largely happened in a compartmentalized fashion. This series presents for the first time an interdisciplinary contextualization of the productive acquisitions and transformations of the arts and sciences of Antiquity in the slow process of the European societies constructing a scientific system and their own cultural identity, a process which started in the Middle Ages and has continued up to the Modern Age. The series is a product of work in the Collaborative Research Centre Transformations of Antiquity and the August Boeckh Centre of Antiquity at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Their individual projects examine transformational processes on three levels in particular the constitutive function of Antiquity in the formation of the European knowledge society, the role of Antiquity in the genesis of modern cultural identities and self-constructions, and the forms of reception in art, literature, translation and media.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Sascha Kansteiner 作者作品表

eBook: Pseudoantike Skulptur II: Klassizistische Statuen aus antiker und nachantiker Zeit (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pseudoantike Skulptur II: Klassizistische Statuen aus antiker und nachantiker Zeit (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fallstudien zu antiken Skulpturen und ihren Imitationen (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fallstudien zu antiken Skulpturen und ihren Imitationen (DRM PDF)

eBook: Erganzungsprozesse: Transformation antiker Skulptur durch Restaurierung (DRM PDF)

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