Trapped (Library Binding)
作者: Tom Greve 
書城編號: 25701994

售價: $293.00

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出版社: Lerner Pubn
出版日期: 2023/01/01
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781728475486


Mario is a star running back for Foggy Creek High. But when his classroom performance falls short, he risks missing the biggest game of the year. This problem is weighing on him when he runs headlong into a sinkhole, and he finds himself trapped. Chaos erupts in Foggy Creek as they search for the missing teen. Will Mario make his way out of the pit and back to the most important game of his high school career?

Tom Greve 作者作品表

eBook: Trapped (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Trapped (DRM PDF)

Trapped (Paperback)

Trapped (Library Binding)

eBook: How to Make Ice Cream (DRM PDF)

eBook: How to Grow a Garden (DRM PDF)

eBook: Angel Island (DRM PDF)

eBook: World Trade Center (DRM PDF)

eBook: EMT: Crisis Care for Injuries and Illness (DRM PDF)

eBook: Firefighters: Battling Smoke and Flames (DRM PDF)

eBook: Police: Protect and Serve (DRM PDF)

eBook: SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics (DRM PDF)

Los Fosiles, Hallazgos del Pasado (Fossils, Uncovering the Past) (paperback)

eBook: !Gracias, NASA!: Thanks, NASA! (DRM PDF)

eBook: Las placas tectonicas y los desastres: Plate Tectonics and Disasters (DRM PDF)

eBook: Los fosiles, hallazgos del pasado: Fossils, Uncovering the Past (DRM PDF)

eBook: Look At Urban Art (DRM PDF)

eBook: Listen To Rock 'N' Roll (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Marines: Rapid Response Force (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Special Operations Command: Force Against Terrorists (DRM PDF)

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