Isabel Alexander - Artist and Illustrator (Paperback)
作者: Janet McKenzie 
書城編號: 26045114

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Parthian
出版日期: 2023/05/01
重量: 0.77 kg
ISBN: 9781914595271

Like many women artists of her generation, Isabel Alexander struggled for opportunity and recognition in a field that was overwhelmingly male; and like many more women across society as a whole she had to reconcile ambition with financial pressures and the demands of parenting, and single parenting at that. Yes her skills in drawing and painting, honed by her rigorous 1930 Slade training, melded with an unflagging work ethic, fierce independence and a dalight in experimentation to give her works immediacy and energy as well as flair and distinction.
Janet McKenzie 作者作品表

Home Made Candy Recipes (Paperback)

Isabel Alexander - Artist and Illustrator (Paperback)

eBook: Changing Education: A Sociology of Education Since 1944 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Changing Education: A Sociology of Education Since 1944 (DRM PDF)

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