Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China (2024) (Hardcover)
作者: Hexu Sun 
分類: Energy technology & engineering  
書城編號: 27393499

售價: $600.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Springer Nature
出版日期: 2024/01/29
ISBN: 9789819986309


This open access book highlights the latest advances in fundamental research, technologies and applications of hydrogen energy and fuel cells. In recent years, energy conversion between electricity and hydrogen energy has attracted increasing attention as a way to adjust the load of the grid. This book discusses and exchanges cutting-edge findings and technological developments in fields such as new proton exchange membrane electrolyzers, new electrode materials and catalysts, renewable energy, off-grid/grid-connected water electrolysis for hydrogen production, key materials and components of fuel cells, high-temperature solid oxide water electrolysis, energy storage technologies and research, CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, nitrogen to ammonia and other applications with industrial potential.

The main topics of the proceedings include:

1) Policies and strategies for hydrogen energy and fuel cells;

2) Advanced proton exchange membranes, electrodes and catalyst materials for water electrolysis;

3) Advanced hydrogen compression, storage, transportation and distribution technologies;

4) Safety and related standards;

5) Manufacture and R&D of key materials and components of fuel cells and stack systems.

Hexu Sun 作者作品表

Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China (2024) (Hardcover)

Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China (2024) (Paperback)

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