eBook: Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Janet Patti, Robin Stern 
分類: Organization & management of education ,
Adult education, continuous learning  
書城編號: 27482244

售價: $395.00

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製造商: Harvard Education Press
出版日期: 2023/10/24
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781682538661
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A handbook that helps educational leaders hone the social and emotional skills essential to promoting positive school culture and navigating their complex jobs. In this profoundly useful work, Janet Patti and Robin Stern make the case for social-emotional learning (SEL) as part of a critical skill set for K12 school leaders, and they offer coaching on how to integrate emotional intelligence into leadership practices. Patti and Stern draw on recent research from psychology and education, as well as their combined 40 years of experience in the fields of SEL and leadership training, to highlight the many benefits of SEL-focused professional development for superintendents, principals, and aspiring school leaders. They also give readers the tools to develop their own SEL skills. Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders outlines key SEL skills, from mindfulness and self-management to relationship building and conflict resolution, and details how each can be applied in a leadership context. Case studies of a variety of successful educational leaders who employ positive psychology in their work illustrate the strategies they used to cultivate and apply their own SEL skills. This encouraging book underscores how teams that lead with self-awareness and empathy can promote well-being, foster resilience, and prevent burnout among educators and ultimately increase equity in the education system.

Robin Stern 作者作品表

The Gaslight Effect Recovery Guide: Your Personal Journey Toward Healing from Emotional Abuse (Paperback)

eBook: Der Gaslight-Effekt (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Der Gaslight-Effekt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sara's Seeds (DRM PDF)

eBook: We Follow the Rules (DRM PDF)

Gaslight Effect (Paperback)

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