Borneo 1945: The Last Major Allied Campaign in the South-West Pacific (Paperback)
作者: Angus Konstam 
書城編號: 27963458

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: Osprey Pub Inc
出版日期: 2024/10/22 (快將出版)
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781472862242


A fascinating account of the last major Allied operation in the South-West Pacific, and the largest Australian military operation of World War II.

A week after Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Japanese troops landed near Brunei on the South-East Asian island of Borneo. Within eight weeks, the entire island had been overrun, and its Dutch and British Indian defenders had been ejected. By early April 1942, the entire Dutch East Indies were in Japanese hands, and remained under Japanese occupation for a further three years.

The late-1944 US landings in the Philippines effectively cut oil- and resource-rich Borneo off from Japan. Now that it was considered a worthy strategic prize for the Allies, General Douglas MacArthur, commanding the South-West Pacific Theater, began planning for the recapture of the key island.

This compelling work explores the planning and execution of Operation Oboe, which was spearheaded by Australian troops but involved naval and special forces from the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. Detailed maps explore the six separate stages, each of which involved amphibious landings. Battlescene artworks and photographs bring to life notable events such as the capture of Tarakan, Labuan, Brunei and Sarawak. Also covered are the Allied special forces guerrilla campaigns and Australian 7th Infantry Division's landing at Balikapan - which proved to be the turning point of this hard-fought campaign.

Angus Konstam 作者作品表

Convoy Pq-17 1942: Disaster in the Arctic (Paperback)

Royal Navy Grand Fleet 1914-18: Britain's Last Supreme Naval Fleet (Paperback)

South Atlantic 1982: The Carrier Campaign in the Falklands War (Paperback)

Borneo 1945: The Last Major Allied Campaign in the South-West Pacific (Paperback)

Sumatra 1944-45: The British Pacific Fleet's Oil Campaign in the Dutch East Indies (Paperback)

Royal Navy Home Fleet 1939-41: The Last Line of Defence at Scapa Flow (Paperback)

The Pirate Menace: Uncovering the Golden Age of Piracy (Hardcover)

Cape Matapan 1941: Cunningham's Mediterranean Triumph (Paperback)

The Convoy: Hg-76: Taking the Fight to Hitler's U-Boats (Hardcover)

German High Seas Fleet 1914-18: The Kaiser's Challenge to the Royal Navy (Paperback)

The Battle of North Cape: The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst, 1943 (Compact Disc)

The Battle of North Cape: The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst, 1943 (MP3 CD)

British/Commonwealth Cruiser Vs Italian Cruiser: The Mediterranean 1941-43 (Paperback)

American Privateers of the Revolutionary War (Paperback)

Tirpitz in Norway: X-Craft Midget Submarines Raid the Fjords, Operation Source 1943 (paperback)

Hunt the Bismarck (Hardcover)

British Escort Carriers 1941-45 (Paperback)

European Ironclads 1860-75 (Paperback)

Pirate World (Hardcover)

Sink the Tirpitz 1942-44 (Paperback)

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