Computational Automation for Water Security: Enhancing Water Quality Management (Paperback)
作者: Ashutosh Kumar Dubey 
書城編號: 28929855

售價: $1750.00

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出版社: Elsevier
出版日期: 2025/03/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780443333217

Computational Automation for Water Security: Enhancing Water Quality Management is a comprehensive and insightful guide which explores the challenges posed by inefficient and outdated practices, presenting innovative solutions to enhance decision-making, optimizing water treatment processes, and ultimately improving environmental outcomes. Through the coverage of advanced computational techniques, such as data analysis, machine learning, and optimization strategies, readers will gain a deep understanding of how computational automation can revolutionize decision-making. This book is an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers, and policymakers seeking to stay at the forefront of water quality management practices, harnessing the power of computational automation for a cleaner, healthier future.
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