eBook: Someone Else's Wedding Vows (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bianca Stone 
分類: Poetry ,
Poetry by individual poets  
書城編號: 25249107

售價: $171.00

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製造商: Tin House Books
出版日期: 2014/02/17
頁數: 88
ISBN: 9781935639756

Someone Elses Wedding Vows reflects on the different forms of love, which can be both tremendously joyous and devastatingly destructive. The title poem confronts a human ritual of marriage from the standpoint of a wedding photographer. Within the tedium and alienation of the ceremony, the speaker grapples with a strange human hopefulness. In this vein, Stone explores our everyday patterns and customs, and in doing so, exposes them for their complexities. Drawing on the neurological, scientific, psychological, and even supernatural, this collection confronts the difficulties of love and family. Stone rankles with a desire to understand, but the questions she asks are never answered simply. These poems stroll along the abyss, pointing towards the absurdity of our choices. They recede into the imaginative in order to understand and translate the distressing nature of reality. It is a bittersweet question this book raises: Why we are like this? There is no easy answer. So while we look down at our hands, perplexed, Someone Elses Wedding Vows raises a glass to the future.
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