eBook: Cultural Imperialism and the Indo-English Novel: Genre and Ideology in R. K. Narayan, Anita Desai, Kamala Markandaya, and Salman Rushdie (DRM E
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Fawzia Afzal-Khan 
書城編號: 20324617

售價: $296.00

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製造商: Penn State University Press
出版日期: 1993/09/24
頁數: 204
ISBN: 9780271071305

Cultural Imperialism and the Indo-English Novel focuses on the novels of R. K. Narayan, Anita Desai, Kamala Markandaya, and Salman Rushdie and explores the tension in these novels between ideology and the generic fictive strategies that shape ideology or are shaped by it. Fawzia Afzal-Khan raises the important question of how much the usage of certain ideological strategies actually helps the ex-colonized writer deal effectively with postcolonial and postindependence trauma and whether or not the choice of a particular genre or mode employed by a writer presupposes the extent to which that writer will be successful in challenging the ideological strategies of containment perpetuated by most Western orientalist texts and writers. She argues that the formal or generic choices of the four writers studied here reveal that they are using genre as an ideological strategy of liberation to help free their peoples and cultures from the hegemonic strategies of containment imposed upon them. She concludes that the works studied here constitute an ideological rebuttal of Western writers' denigrating containment of non-Western cultures. She also notes that self-criticism, as implied in Rushdie's works, is not be confused with self-hatred, a theme found in Naipaul's work.
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