The Perinatal Patient: A Compassionate Approach to Treating Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and Related Disorders (Paperback)
作者: Hilary Waller 
書城編號: 27244278

原價: HK$350.00
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出版社: Pesi Pub & Media
出版日期: 2023/10/03
重量: 0.77 kg
ISBN: 9781683736561

ARE YOU LISTENING TO WHAT SHE'S NOT SAYING? Caught between worrying about how she feels and desperately working to portray the image of a good mother, a perfect mother, a mother who knows what's she's doing, the postpartum woman in distress is more likely to choose silence or minimization over disclosure. She will allow her suffering-her dark mood, scary intrusive thoughts, intense anxiety, excessive monitoring of the baby, feelings of inadequacy, grief over lost independence, thoughts of harming herself or the baby, and even delusions and hallucinations-to fly under the radar in exchange for a calm and collected exterior. Even if she's worried about how she feels. Even if she and her baby are in danger. The Perinatal Patient seeks to change that. Co-written by world-renowned maternal mental health expert Karen Kleiman and her highly accomplished mentee at The Postpartum Stress Center, Hilary Waller, this book offers revolutionary, compassionate guidance into the nuanced assessment and treatment of mental health symptoms postpartum-a critical period that does not offer the luxury of time. Filled with case studies, worksheets, and handouts for both patients and providers, this invaluable resource will help you: - Increase the likelihood that patients will disclose how they're feeling - Differentiate between "normal" perinatal experiences and more serious symptoms - Normalize and respond effectively to mothers' intrusive thoughts - Decrease mothers' feelings of isolation and help them build their social support systems - Determine when to refer a mother to a higher level of care - Navigate the complexities of infertility, pregnancy loss, and medical complications post birth - And more!
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