Fung Gi (Paperback)
作者: Jm Ringuet 
書城編號: 29033685

售價: $220.00

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出版社: Markosia Enterprises
出版日期: 2024/12/13
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9781917459327


Welcome to a story of high adventure on a planet populated by sentient, bipedal mushrooms, the FUNG GI!

In this land of epic swordplay and wandering warriors, honourable fighters and rival clans, mysterious wilderness, tree cities and mystical magic, follow the quest of four Outcasts!

Errant knights, wandering ronins and vagabonds with heavy hearts and memories of loss, they travel across the land, united in a fight against injustice in search of forgiveness or oblivion.

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