Easy Guide to OSCEs for Final Year Medical Students (Paperback)
作者: Nazmul Akunjee 
分類: Medical study & revision guides  
書城編號: 1203277

售價: $560.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2015/02/28
尺寸: 255x180x27mm
重量: 870 grams
ISBN: 9781910227084


The final year Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) test a broad range of practical skills, knowledge, examination technique and communication abilities, and can be a daunting prospect.

The Easy Guide to OSCEs for Final Year Medical Students covers, in a self-assessment format, over 99 sample OSCE stations including the standard history, examination and general skills stations. This edition includes additional commonly examined cases and instruction on how to interpret a paper.

With newly created colour illustrations and clinical photographs, the clear layout and easy-to-read style prepares students for the examination environment and focuses on the specific areas and responses examiners look for.

The step-by-step guide provided for each OSCE station includes techniques on how to pass, what to say, what to ask for and what to do. It is an invaluable guide to all those preparing for the OSCEs.

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