eBook: Mutating Goddesses: Bengal's Laukika Hinduism and Gender Rights (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Saswati Sengupta 
分類: Asian history ,
Hindu worship, rites & ceremonies ,
Religious aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships ,
Cultural studies ,
Gender studies, gender groups  
書城編號: 20196556

售價: $726.00

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製造商: Oup India
出版日期: 2020/11/30
頁數: 316
ISBN: 9780190993252
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Mutating Goddesses traces the shifting fortunes of four specific Hindu deities-Manasa, Candi, Sasthi and Laksmi-from the fifteenth century to the present time. It focuses on the goddess-invested tradition of Bengal's Hinduism to argue for a historical evolution/devolution of divinities in tandem with sectarian interests and illumines in the process the knotted correlation of gender, caste and class in the sanctioning of female subjectivities through goddess formation. The critical studies of Hindu goddesses have been dominated by the sastrik perspective deriving from the Sanskrit scriptures authorized by the male Brahman. But there are religious practices and beliefs under the broad rubric of Hinduism that are neither governed by the male Brahman nor articulated in Sanskrit. It is this vibrant laukika archive-considered low from the hegemonic perspective-that Mutating Goddesses explores to realize the politic trafficking between this realm and the sastrik. The book excavates the multiple and layered heritage of the region which includes tribal culture, Buddhism, Tantricism, and so on, as is available in rituals, proverbs, verses, circulating myths, poetic genres and kathas, caste manuals, census records etc to illustrate how tradition is a matter of strategic selection.
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