Political Science in Europe: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects (Hardcover)
作者: Thibaud Boncourt 
書城編號: 1895633

售價: $1050.00

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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2020/05/28
尺寸: 229x152x30mm
重量: 0.68 kg
ISBN: 9781785523113

The last half-century has been a defining period for the development of political science in Europe: disciplinary norms have become institutionalized in professional organizations, training units, and research centres; the scholarly community has dramatically grown in size across the continent; the analytical and methodological tools of the discipline are increasingly sophisticated; and the knowledge disseminated under the label "political science" is bigger than it has ever been. Political Science in Europe takes stock of these developments and reflects on the achievements of the discipline, and the challenges it faces. Is there a distinctive "European" blend of political science? Is the European political science community cohesive and inclusive? How does the discipline cope with the neoliberalisation of academia, and the diffusion of illiberal politics? Leading and up-and-coming political scientists answer these questions by discussing the discipline's key concepts and intellectual trends, its professional structures, and its relationship with its social, economic, and political environment.
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