Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs 共有 599 項, 本頁顯示 1-30 項

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The Trauma-Informed Practice Toolkit for Schools: Guidance and Tools to Help you to Set Up and Hit the Ground Running (Paperback)

Abi Manly, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2030/12/31
現售: HK$280
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Special Educational Needs in Adolescence: From Theories and Research to Strategies and Interventions (Paperback)

Amelia Roberts, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2030/12/31
現售: HK$448
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Special Educational Needs in Adolescence: From Theories and Research to Strategies and Interventions (Hardcover)

Amelia Roberts, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2030/12/31
現售: HK$1470
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Psychoeducation Manual for ADHD: Providing Children and Their Families Essential and Evidence-based Information about ADHD (Paperback)

Maite Ferrin, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2030/01/21
現售: HK$378
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School-Wide Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports: European Research, Applications and Practices (Hardcover)

Sui Lin Goei, Routledge, 出版日期: 2030/01/01
現售: HK$1400

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How to Do Curriculum-Based Measurement in Mtss/Rti (Paperback)

Mark R. Shinn, Routledge, 出版日期: 2029/12/31
現售: HK$280
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Handbook of Special Education (0003) (Hardcover)

James M. Kauffman, Routledge, 出版日期: 2026/05/25
現售: HK$2380
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Handbook of Special Education (0003) (Paperback)

James M. Kauffman, Routledge, 出版日期: 2026/05/25
現售: HK$1400
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Social Inequalities (Re)Formed: Consulting Pupils about Learning (Hardcover)

Madeleine Arnot, Routledge, 出版日期: 2026/01/05
現售: HK$1260

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A Trip into a Dyspraxic Person's World: A Graphic Treatment (Paperback)

Charlotte O'Neill, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/12/18
現售: HK$196
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Using Minecraft to Help Autistic Children Build Social Skills 2/e (Paperback)

Raelene Dundon, Aine Ryan, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/12/18
現售: HK$350
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How to Be a Superhero Called Self-Control 2nd edition (Hardcover)

Lauren Brukner, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/11/21
現售: HK$196
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All About Neurodiversity: The Card Deck (Illustrated ed) (Cards)

Kathy Hoopmann, Tony Attwood, Michelle Garnett, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/09/18
現售: HK$420
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The Kids' Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control 2nd Ed (Hardcover)

Lauren Brukner, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/08/21
現售: HK$196
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Education in an Altered World: Pandemic, Crises and Young People Vulnerable to Educational Exclusion (Paperback)

Michelle Proyer, Bloomsbury Academic, 出版日期: 2025/08/21
現售: HK$406
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Creating Belonging in the Classroom: A practical guide to having brave and difficult conversations (Paperback)

Zahara Chowdhury, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 出版日期: 2025/08/14
現售: HK$252
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Special Eduation in Today's Diverse Classrooms: Meeting the Needs of Students With Exceptionalities (Paperback)

Shantel Farnan, Ruby L. Owiny, Plural Publishing Inc, 出版日期: 2025/07/31
現售: HK$1078
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Creating a Neurodiversity-Affirming Classroom: Easy Ways to Achieve Access, Agency and Wellbeing for All (Paperback)

Kara Dymond, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/07/21
現售: HK$238
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Finding Joy in Studying: An Autistic and ADHD Guide to Uncovering the Study Skills that Work for You (Paperback)

Victoria Honeybourne, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/07/21
現售: HK$322
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The (Slightly Distracted) Guide to Living with ADHD in your 30s and beyond (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

Laura Kerbey, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 出版日期: 2025/07/21
現售: HK$210
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The Sense-Ability Ensemble's Guide to Creating Theatre for Audiences That Are Neurodiverse (Hardcover)

Dionne O'Dell, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2025/07/09
現售: HK$2030
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The Sense-Ability Ensemble's Guide to Creating Theatre for Audiences That Are Neurodiverse (Paperback)

Dionne O'Dell, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2025/07/09
現售: HK$504
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Communication Activities with Adults: 100+ Ideas for Word Games and Group Tasks (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Phil Goddard, Jayne Comins, Judy Offiler, Felicity Llewellyn, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 出版日期: 2025/07/08
現售: HK$2030
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Communication Activities with Adults: 100+ Ideas for Word Games and Group Tasks (2 ed) (Paperback)

Phil Goddard, Jayne Comins, Judy Offiler, Felicity Llewellyn, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 出版日期: 2025/07/08
現售: HK$448
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The Inclusive School: Great SENCo Leadership: How to build strong foundations for success as a SENCo leader (Paperback)

Kenny Wheeler, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 出版日期: 2025/07/03
現售: HK$238
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Supporting Disabled Physicists Within Academia (Hardcover)

Dr Francesca Doddato, Institute of Physics Publishing, 出版日期: 2025/06/30, 系列: IOP Series in Physics Education
現售: HK$420
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The Road to Positive Advocacy for Your Gifted Child: A Family Handbook (Paperback)

Carol Malueg, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 出版日期: 2025/06/25
現售: HK$210
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Inclusion: A Principled Guide for Early Career Teachers (Hardcover)

Nicola Crossley, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2025/06/23
現售: HK$1890
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Inclusion: A Principled Guide for Early Career Teachers (Paperback)

Nicola Crossley, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2025/06/23
現售: HK$280
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Interactive Reading for Learners with Extensive Support Needs: A Practical Guide for Teachers (Paperback)

Christopher Brum, Routledge Chapman Hall, 出版日期: 2025/06/16
現售: HK$350
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