Map of Time (Paperback)
作者: Felix J Palma 
書城編號: 307084

原價: HK$140.00
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出版社: Harper Collins Paperbacks
出版日期: 2012/05/10
尺寸: 198x132x34mm
重量: 370 grams
ISBN: 9780007344130
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An epic, ambitious and page-turning mystery that will appeal to fans of The Shadow of the Wind, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell and The Time Traveller's Wife

London, 1896. Andrew Harrington is young, wealthy and heartbroken. His lover Marie Kelly was murdered by Jack the Ripper and he longs to turn back the clock and save her.

Meanwhile, Claire Haggerty rails against the position of women in Victorian society. Forever being matched with men her family consider suitable, she yearns for a time when she can be free to love whom she choses.

But hidden in the attic of popular author - and noted scientific speculator - H.G. Wells is a machine that will change everything.

As their quests converge, it becomes clear that time is the problem - to escape it, to change it, might offer them the hope they need...

Felix J Palma 作者作品表

Map of the Sky (Hardcover)

Map of Time (Paperback)

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