eBook: Temptation of Magic (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Megan Scott 
分類: Fantasy ,
Fantasy romance ,
Romance ,
Monsters & legendary beings ,
Thrillers (Children's / Teenage) ,
Fantasy romance (Teenage) ,
Mysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children’s/Teenage)  
書城編號: 28157741

售價: $156.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2024/05/23
ISBN: 9780008587154
>> 相關實體書

Serpent and Dove meets A Discovery of Witches in this magical, forbidden romance debut.He was an Empyreal, her greatest threat, her greatest fascination. Everything she'd been warned against. And yet she wanted him, still.As an Empyreal, Nicole has the ability to kill any deadly supernatural. But if her power ever awakened, the Wake-the organisation that governs supernaturals-would force her to be their loyal huntress. Or kill her, like they did her mother.To stay safe, Nicole hides in a small university town, convinced the mythological art collection at a local manor contains a final message from her mother. But before she can study it, Kyan McCarter, the Wake's most skilled Empyreal, arrives on his own hunt. When they discover his prey has stolen a painting for leverage, they're forced to work together.As the creature threatens to expose Nicole's powers, her tenuous alliance with Kyan threatens her heart. If her true identity is revealed, Kyan will hunt her next. No one disobeys The Wake and survives. Especially when the art they're seeking unveils a conspiracy that would change the lives of creatures and humans forever. . .But Nicole may only be able to resist one: her wicked impulses, or a love that could repaint their world.And after a life of hiding her true nature, who could resist the temptation of magicA luxurious, forbidden romance that will become your new obsession. . .
Megan Scott 作者作品表

The Temptation of Magic (Paperback)

The Temptation of Magic (Original) (Hardcover)

eBook: Temptation of Magic (DRM EPUB)

The Temptation of Magic (Hardcover)

The Temptation of Magic (Paperback)

The Temptation of Magic (MP3 CD)

The Temptation of Magic (Compact Disc)

Punch Buggy Rules!! (Paperback)

how i become the evil duchess (Paperback)

Alpha of blood (Paperback)

Prince charming must die (Paperback)

make me follow the rules (Paperback)

Hidden Play (Paperback)

I'M YOUR Curse (Paperback)

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