eBook: If the World Were 100 People (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jackie McCann, Aaron Cushley 
分類: General knowledge & trivia (Children's / Teenage) ,
People & places (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: Geography ,
Educational: Citizenship & social education ,
Interest age: from c 5 years  
書城編號: 25762292

售價: $73.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2023/01/19
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9780008619664
>> 相關實體書

A thought-provoking introduction for children to the people who live on our planet.There are almost 8 billion humans living on Earth, but it's tricky to picture so many people! So instead, let's imagine the whole planet is a village where 100 people live - each person representing around 80 million people in the real world."A terrific find for social studies teachers seeking to promote inquiry and active citizenship." Picked by School Library Journal for the Best Nonfiction books of 2021.Shortlisted for the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize 2022So what does our global village of 100 people look like? Are they all grown-ups? Are there more males or females? How many have black hair or blue eyes? What languages do they speak? Who can read and write? How many have access to the internet or have enough food to eat? Does everyone have access to electricity or clean water?This book answers all of these questions and much, much more! Big ideas are broken into bitesize chunks through clever illustration and graphic design. By focussing on just 100 people, it's easier to see the things we have in common, and the things that make us unique. If the World Were 100 People is a perfect introduction about the world we live in for children aged 5+ and a wonderful way to support them in becoming global citizens. Great to read at home or in the classroom.So come and meet the people in our global village, and think about the big questions that affect us all!
Jackie McCann 作者作品表

Ireland in Numbers (Hardcover)

Sunshine Baby! (Board Books)

Love Grows! (Board Books)

If Our World Were 100 Days (Paperback)

Baby Christmas (Board Books)

Lots to Spot In the Jungle (Board book)

Lots to Spot on the Farm (Board book)

Hide and Slide My Little Piglet (Board book)

Hide and Slide My Little Kitten (Board book)

Hide and Slide My Little Lamb (Board book)

Hide and Slide My Little Puppy (Board book)

If the World Were 100 People (Paperback)

Wow! Your Body (Paperback)

Wow! Animals (Paperback)

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