Warriors: A Starless Clan #2: Sky (Hardcover)
作者: Erin Hunter 
書城編號: 24588988

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Harper Collins
出版日期: 2022/11/01
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9780063050150
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Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series continues! Discover more epic adventure in this second book in the Starless Clan arc.

Disaster has struck at the heart of RiverClan, leaving its warriors and its new medicine cat apprentice scrambling to protect their Clan--even if it means lying to the others. But at a time when the warrior code itself is shifting, no Clan is truly at peace... or truly safe.

Packed with action and intrigue, this seventh Warriors series is a perfect introduction for new readers, while long-time fans will be thrilled to discover what unfolds after the events of The Broken Code.

Erin Hunter 作者作品表

Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha (Paperback)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #5: Wind (Paperback)

Bamboo Kingdom #6: Fire and Ash (Hardcover)

Bamboo Kingdom #5: The Lightning Path (Paperback)

Warriors: Changing Skies #1: The Elders' Quest (MP3 CD)

Warriors: Changing Skies #1: The Elders' Quest (Compact Disc)

Ravenpaw's Path #1: Shattered Peace (Library Binding)

Graystripe's Adventure #3: Warrior's Return (Library Binding)

Graystripe's Adventure #2: Warrior's Refuge (Library Binding)

Graystripe's Adventure #1: The Lost Warrior (Library Binding)

Ravenpaw's Path #2: A Clan in Need (Library Binding)

Ravenpaw's Path #3: The Heart of a Warrior (Library Binding)

Skyclan and the Stranger #1: The Rescue (Library Binding)

Skyclan and the Stranger #2: Beyond the Code (Library Binding)

Skyclan and the Stranger #3: After the Flood (Library Binding)

Warriors: Star (Compact Disc)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #6: Star (MP3 CD)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3: Realm of Lost Spirits (Hardcover)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #2: Breakers of the Code (Paperback)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3: Realm of Lost Spirits: Realm of Lost Spirits (Compact Disc)

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