Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice: A Multimethod Examination of Their Imposition, Payment, Effect, and Fairness (Paperback)
作者: R. Barry Ruback 
分類: Crime & criminology ,
Criminal or forensic psychology ,
Monetary economics  
書城編號: 23188478

售價: $660.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2021/11/05
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780190682583
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Economic sanctions are court-imposed financial obligations aimed at punishing offenders (fines), funding the government (costs/fees, forfeitures), and compensating victims (restitution). These sanctions have been at the forefront of criminal justice reform in the past few years, and major legal and policy developments concerning such sanctions are under way across the country.

Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice provides an in-depth overview on how economic sanctions are currently being used in the United States to address the multiple goals of criminal sentencing. Featuring 15 empirical studies conducted in Pennsylvania by author R. Barry Ruback, the book investigates the societal, legal, and psychological impacts of economic sanctions in sentencing and corrections, including punishment, reintegration into the community, and the treatment of crime victims. The book analyzes judges' and probation officers' decision-making when imposing and monitoring economic sanctions, and it examines how paying these financial obligations relates to offenders' recidivism. These analyses are tied to the issues of poverty and its intersection with race, including the disproportionate burden of sanctions placed on minority groups. Ending with opportunities for future research and alternatives to monetary sanctions, Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice is a go-to resource for researchers and professionals in the fields of legal psychology, criminal justice, and law advocating for what is fair and effective for victims, offenders, and society.

R. Barry Ruback 作者作品表

eBook: Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice: A Multimethod Examination of Their Imposition, Payment, Effect, and Fairness (DRM PDF)

eBook: Economic Sanctions in Criminal Justice: A Multimethod Examination of Their Imposition, Payment, Effect, and Fairness (DRM EPUB)

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