Discursive Constructions of Consent in the Legal Process (Hardcover)
作者: Susan Ehrlich 
分類: Sociolinguistics ,
Discourse analysis ,
Jurisprudence & philosophy of law ,
Law & society  
書城編號: 1039981

售價: $1288.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2016/02/01
尺寸: 240x163x29mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9780199945351
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As a linguistically-grounded, critical examination of consent, this volume views consent not as an individual mental state or act but as a process that is interactionally-and discursively-situated. It highlights the ways in which legal consent is often fictional (at best) due to the impoverished view of meaning and the linguistic ideologies that typically inform interpretations and representations in the legal system. The authors are experts in linguistics and law, who use diverse theoretical and analytical approaches to examine the complex ways in which language is used to seek, negotiate, give, or withhold consent in a range of legal contexts.

Authors draw on case studies, or larger research corpora or a wider sociolegal approach, in investigations of: police-citizen interactions in the street, police interviews with suspects, police call handlers, rape and abduction trials, interactions with lay litigants in a multilingual small claims court, a restorative justice sentencing scheme for young offenders, biomedical research, and legal disputes over contracts.

Susan Ehrlich 作者作品表

Discursive Constructions of Consent in the Legal Process (Hardcover)

Language and Gender (Hardcover)

eBook: Representing Rape: Language and sexual consent (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Representing Rape: Language and sexual consent (DRM PDF)

eBook: Representing Rape: Language and sexual consent (DRM PDF)

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