Rough Guide to China (Paperback)
書城編號: 1259368

原價: HK$294.00
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出版日期: 2017/06/20
尺寸: 198x129x81mm
重量: 0.79 kg
ISBN: 9780241274002
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The new, fully updated The Rough Guide to China is the definitive guide to this enchanting country, one of the world's oldest civilisations. From the high-tech cities of Hong Kong and Shanghai to minority villages in Yunnan and Buddhist temples of Tibet, China's mixture of modernity and ancient traditions never fails to impress. With stunning new photography and all the best places to eat, sleep, party and shop, The Rough Guide to China has everything need to ensure you don't miss a thing in this fast-changing nation. Detailed, full-colour maps help you find the best spot for Peking duck or navigate Beijing's backstreets. Itineraries make planning easy, and a Contexts section gives in-depth background on China's history and culture, as well language tips, with handy words and phrases to ease your journey. All this, combined with detailed coverage of the country's best attractions, from voyages down the Yangzi River to hiking the infamous Great Wall, makes The Rough Guide to China the essential companion to delve into China's greatest treasures.
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