eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jonny Lambert 
系列: The Bear and the Bird
分類: Age groups: children ,
Early learning: people who help us ,
People & places (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27893899

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
出版日期: 2024/04/18
頁數: 24
ISBN: 9780241690086
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Step outside with Bear and Bird, and teach little ones about kindness and the importance of helping others. Meet Bear and his best friend Bird in the pages of this picture book, as they learn all about nature and planting flowers.Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand teaches little ones aged 0-5 vital life lessons about what kindness is and the importance of helping others, whilst Bear and Bird plant flowers and help each other with gardening.This heartwarming picture book for children offers:- An engaging story with rhyming text, helping children with speech development and vocabulary.- Beautiful illustrations on every page by popular artist Johnny Lambert.- An important message of being kind and teaching children how to help others in need.Bear, and his best friend Bird, have found a beautiful flower and a great place to plant it...but their friends need help, too. This fun-to-share story for parents and children follows Bear and Bird as they learn all about helping each other with gardening and planting flowers. With beautiful illustrations by renowned artist Jonny Lambert and an enchanting story, children will learn about the importance of sharing with others.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop here? Jonny Lambert also brings you Bear and Bird: Explore the Seashore, Bear and Bird: Learn to Share, Bear and Bird: Try, Try, and Bear and Bird: Make Friends, a collection of beautifully illustrated storybooks that set to teach young readers that sharing is caring!
The Bear and the Bird

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Learn to Share (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (DRM EPUB)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Learn to Share (Paperback)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (Paperback)

Jonny Lambert’s Bear and Bird Explore the Seashore: A Beach Search and Find Adventure (Hardcover)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Find a Footprint (Hardcover)

eBook: Jonny Lambert s Bear and Bird: Try, Try Again (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Learn to Share (DRM EPUB)

Jonny Lambert 作者作品表

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird Winter Wonderland Adventure: A Snowy Search and Find Story (Hardcover)

Waiting for the Stars (Hardcover)

Can You Share, Little Whale? (Paperback)

Waiting for the Stars (Hardcover)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Learn to Share (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (DRM EPUB)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Learn to Share (Paperback)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (Paperback)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird Explore the Seashore: A Beach Search and Find Adventure (Hardcover)

Jonny Lambert’s Bear and Bird Explore the Seashore: A Beach Search and Find Adventure (Hardcover)

El Oso Amistoso: Un Cuento Para Hacer Amigos (Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Make Friends) (Board Books)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Find a Footprint (Hardcover)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Find a Footprint (Hardcover)

Can You Share, Little Whale? (Hardcover)

Can You Share, Little Whale? (Hardcover)

Bilingual Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (Board Books)

eBook: Jonny Lambert s Bear and Bird: Try, Try Again (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Make Friends: Even Bears Get Nervous Before Starting School (DRM EPUB)

Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (Board book)

eBook: Jonny Lambert's Bear and Bird: Lend a Helping Hand (DRM EPUB)

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