Tragedy in Hegel's Early Theological Writings (Hardcover)
作者: Peter Wake 
分類: Philosophy of religion ,
書城編號: 1856991

售價: $600.00

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出版社: Indiana Univ Pr
出版日期: 2014/05/05
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9780253012517
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Tragedy plays a central role in Hegel's early writings on theology and politics. Hegel's overarching aim in these texts is to determine the kind of mythology that would best complement religious and political freedom in modernity. Peter Wake claims that, for Hegel at this early stage, ancient Greek tragedy provided the model for such a mythology and suggested a way to oppose the rigid hierarchies and authoritarianism that characterized Europe of his day. Wake follows Hegel as he develops his idea of the essence of Christianity and its relation to the distinctly tragic expression of beauty found in Greek mythology.

Peter Wake 作者作品表

eBook: Tragedy in Hegel's Early Theological Writings (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tragedy in Hegel's Early Theological Writings (DRM EPUB)

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