The Indecent Theologies of Marcella Althaus-Reid: Voices from Asia and Latin America (Paperback)
作者: Lisa Isherwood 
分類: Regional studies ,
Religion & beliefs ,
Religion: general ,
Christianity ,
Gender studies, gender groups ,
Ethnic studies ,
書城編號: 24628615

售價: $560.00

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出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2022/08/01
重量: 4.52 kg
ISBN: 9780367501914
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This book celebrates the legacy of theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid (1952-2009), and her particular influence in Asia and South America. Her work has served as a significant source of inspiration to many scholars, ministers, and activists challenging heteronormative theologies, but her sudden death in 2009 cut short the nascent and elegant theological thought for which she so valued.

Contributors to this book succinctly investigate aspects of the vast work of Althaus-Reid by discussing issues of gender, race, and sexuality in Asia and South America, utilising the liberation, queer and indecent theologies she espoused. Each chapter demonstrates how her legacy is alive and thriving today, but also points towards to the potential future impact of her prolific theological output.

By highlighting the ground-breaking work of Althaus-Reid, this book will serve as a key reference for scholars of Liberation, Queer and Indecent Theology, as well as Asian and Latinx religions.

Lisa Isherwood 作者作品表

Queer Ministers' Voices from the Global South: A Burning Fire in My Bones (Hardcover)

eBook: Patriarchs, Prophets and Other Villains (DRM PDF)

eBook: Patriarchs, Prophets and Other Villains (DRM EPUB)

Radical Otherness (Hardcover)

Radical Otherness (Paperback)

eBook: Dancing Theology in Fetish Boots: Essays in Honour of Marcella Althaus-Reid (DRM EPUB)

Weep Not for Your Children (Paperback)

Introducing Feminist Theology (Paperback)

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