Museum Ethics (Paperback)
作者: Gary Edson 
分類: Museology & heritage studies ,
Museum, historic sites, gallery & art guides  
書城編號: 362799

售價: $560.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 1997/06/04
尺寸: 244x174x22mm
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9780415152907
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A number of developments in the museum movement during the last few years have forced museums to give greater attention to ethical issues. Members of a profession are increasingly regarded constituting an ethical community. Every person with such a community must have a sense of personal obligation as well as a responsibilty for others to assure ethical achievement. This volume firmly places notions of ethics in the field of action.
Museum Ethics considers the theoretical and practical elements of the philosophy of conduct in relation to critical contemporaty issues and museums. This discussion encompasses the procurement of artifacts, the rights of indigenous peoples, repatriation, the politics of display, the conservation of objects and the role of education, as well as the day-to-day management of a museum. All persons active in museum matters, whether custodian, curator, or trustee have an ethical obligation to the museum profession and the public. This volume will allow the professional and student to work towards a more responsible and responsive museum community.
Gary Edson 作者作品表

Masks for the Gods: A Worldwide Pictorial Study (Paperback)

eBook: Museum Ethics in Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Museum Ethics in Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Masks and Masking: Faces of Tradition and Belief Worldwide (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Directory of Museum Training: Programs and practices of the museum profession (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Directory of Museum Training: Programs and practices of the museum profession (DRM EPUB)

Museum Ethics (Paperback)

eBook: Museum Ethics: Theory and Practice (DRM PDF)

Museum Ethics: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)

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