Serbian an Essential Grammar (Paperback)
作者: Lila Hammond 
書城編號: 363569

售價: $520.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2005/03/01
尺寸: 235x157x22mm
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9780415286411
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Serbian: An Essential Grammar is an up-to-date and practical reference guide to the most important aspects of Serbian as used by contemporary native speakers of the language.

Refreshingly jargon free, it presents an accessible description of the language, focusing on the real patterns of use today. A reference source for the learner and user of Serbian irrespective of level, it sets out the complexities of the language in short, readable sections.

Features of this Grammar include:

* use of Cyrillic and Latin script examples throughout
* a cultural section on the language and its dialects
* clear and detailed explanations of simple and complex grammatical concepts
* detailed contents list and index for easy reference.

Well-presented and easy to use, Serbian: An Essential Grammar is ideal either for independent study or for students in schools, colleges, universities and adult education.

Lila Hammond 作者作品表

Serbian an Essential Grammar (Paperback)

eBook: Serbian: An Essential Grammar (DRM PDF)

eBook: Serbian: An Essential Grammar (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Serbian: An Essential Grammar (DRM PDF)

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