Reporting at the Southern Borders: Journalism and Public Debates on Immigration in the U.S. and the E.U. (Hardcover)
作者: Giovanna Dell'orto 
分類: Humanities ,
Media studies ,
Public administration ,
International relations ,
Political campaigning & advertising ,
Press & journalism ,
Law ,
書城編號: 2642092

售價: $2100.00

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出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2013/10/01
重量: 0.56 kg
ISBN: 9780415835886
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Undocumented immigration across the Mediterranean and the US-Mexican border is one of the most contested transatlantic public and political issues, raising fundamental questions about national identity, security and multiculturalism-all in the glare of news media themselves undergoing dramatic transformations.

This interdisciplinary, international volume fills a major gap in political science and communication literature on the role of news media in public debates over immigration by providing unique insider's perspectives on journalistic practices and bringing them into dialogue with scholars and immigrant rights practitioners.

After providing original comparative research by established and emerging international affairs and media scholars as well as grounded reflections by UN and IOM practitioners, the book presents candid, in-depth assessments by nine leading European and North American journalists covering immigration from the frontlines, ranging from the Guardian's Southern Europe editor to the immigration reporter for the Arizona Republic. Their comparative reflections on the professional, institutional and technological constraints shaping news stories offer unprecedented insight into the challenges and opportunities for 21st century journalism to affect public discourse and policymaking about issues critical to the future of the transatlantic space, making the book relevant across a wide range of scholarship on the media's impact on public affairs.

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