The Roman World from Romulus to Muhammad: A New History (Paperback)
作者: Greg Fisher 
分類: Ancient history: to c 500 CE  
書城編號: 19465719

售價: $532.00

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出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2021/09/23
ISBN: 9780415842877
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This volume provides a detailed examination of nearly 1,400 years of Roman history, from the foundation of the city in the eighth century BC until the evacuation of Roman troops from Alexandria in AD 642 in the face of the Arab conquests.

Drawing on a vast array of ancient texts written in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, and Arabic, and relying on a host of inscriptions, archaeological data, and the evidence from ancient art, architecture, and coinage, The Roman World from Romulus to Muhammad brings to the fore the men and women who chronicled the story of the city and its empire. Richly illustrated with 71 maps and 228 illustrations--including 20 in colour--and featuring a detailed glossary and suggestions for further reading, this volume examines a broad range of topics, including ancient climate change, literature, historiography, slavery, war and conquest, the development of Christianity, the Jewish revolts, and the role of powerful imperial women. The author also considers the development of Islam within a Roman historical context, examines the events that led to the formation of the post-Roman states in Western Europe, and contemplates aff airs on the imperial periphery in the Caucasus, Ethiopia, and the Arabian Peninsula.

Emphasising the voices of antiquity throughout, The Roman World from Romulus to Muhammad is an invaluable resource for students and scholars interested in the beguiling history of the world's most famous empire.

Greg Fisher 作者作品表

The Principles of Entrepreneurial Progress: How to Create and Sustain Momentum When Launching a Startup (Paperback)

The Principles of Entrepreneurial Progress: How to Create and Sustain Momentum When Launching a Startup (Hardcover)

Strategy in 3D: Essential Tools to Diagnose, Decide, and Deliver (Compact Disc)

The Spanish Slave (Paperback)

eBook: Roman World from Romulus to Muhammad: A New History (DRM PDF)

eBook: Roman World from Romulus to Muhammad: A New History (DRM EPUB)

Rome, Persia, and Arabia (Paperback)

eBook: Rome, Persia, and Arabia: Shaping the Middle East from Pompey to Muhammad (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rome, Persia, and Arabia: Shaping the Middle East from Pompey to Muhammad (DRM PDF)

Arabs and Empires before Islam (Paperback)

Hannibal and Scipio: PocketGiants (Paperback)

eBook: Hannibal and Scipio: pocket GIANTS (DRM EPUB)

Arabs and Empires before Islam (Hardcover)

eBook: Arabs and Empires before Islam (DRM PDF)

eBook: Between Empires: Arabs, Romans, and Sasanians in Late Antiquity (DRM PDF)

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