eBook: Shared Traumas, Silent Loss, Public and Private Mourning (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lene Auestad 
分類: Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology)  
書城編號: 20411334

售價: $468.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2018/05/01
頁數: 230
ISBN: 9780429904899
>> 相關實體書

This book questions the junctions of the private and the public when it comes to trauma, loss, and the work of mourning - notions which, it is argued, challenge our very ideas of the individual and the shared. It asks, to paraphrase Adorno, 'What do we mean by "working through the past"?, 'How is a shared work of mourning to be understood?', and 'With what legitimacy do we consider a particular social or cultural practice to be "mourning"?' Rather than aiming to present a diagnosis of the political present, this volume instead takes one step back to pose the question of what mourning might mean and what its social dimension consists in. Contributors reflect on the trauma of the Holocaust, the after-effects of the Vietnam War in the US, the Lebanese war-torn experience, victims of the Pacific War in Taiwan, and the Chilean dictatorship.
Lene Auestad 作者作品表

Rasisme, eksklusjon, mangfold: - refleksjoner og intervensjoner (Paperback)

eBook: Respect, Plurality, and Prejudice: A Psychoanalytical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Dynamics of Social Exclusion and Discrimination (DRM E

eBook: Respect, Plurality, and Prejudice: A Psychoanalytical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Dynamics of Social Exclusion and Discrimination (DRM P

eBook: Shared Traumas, Silent Loss, Public and Private Mourning (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nationalism and the Body Politic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Shared Traumas, Silent Loss, Public and Private Mourning (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nationalism and the Body Politic (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalysis and Politics: Exclusion and the Politics of Representation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalysis and Politics: Exclusion and the Politics of Representation (DRM EPUB)

Shared Traumas, Silent Loss, Public and Private Mourning (Paperback)

Respect, Plurality, and Prejudice: A Psychoanalytical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Dynamics of Social Exclusion and Discrimination (Paperback)

Nationalism and the Body Politic (Paperback)

Psychoanalysis and Politics (Paperback)

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