Sartre and Theology (Paperback)
作者: Kate Kirkpatrick 
書城編號: 1264836

售價: $310.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Academic T&T Clark
出版日期: 2017/08/10
尺寸: 216x138x18mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780567664495
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Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the twentieth century's most prominent atheists. But his philosophy was informed by theological writers and themes in ways that have not previously been acknowledged. In Sartre and Theology, Kirkpatrick examines Sartre's philosophical formation and rarely discussed early work, demonstrating how, and which, theology shaped Sartre's thinking. She also shows that Sartre's philosophy - especially Being and Nothingness and Existentialism is A Humanism - contributed to several prominent twentieth-century theologies, examining Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and Liberation theologians' rebuttals and appropriations of Sartre.

For philosophers, this work opens up an unmined vein of influence on Sartre's work which illuminates his conceptual divergences from the German phenomenological tradition. And for theologians, it offers insights into a theologically informed atheism which provoked responses from some of the twentieth-century's greatest theologians - an atheism from which we can still learn much today.

Kate Kirkpatrick 作者作品表

eBook: Beauvoir: O viata (DRM EPUB)

Sartre on Sin (Paperback)

Becoming Beauvoir (Hardcover)

eBook: Sartre on Sin: Between Being and Nothingness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sartre on Sin: Between Being and Nothingness (DRM PDF)

Sartre and Theology (Paperback)

Wise Sayings from the Psalms (New ed) (Hardcover)

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