The Cloverton Charade (Paperback)
作者: Sarah E. Ladd 
分類: Classic fiction (pre c 1945) ,
Historical romance ,
Religious & spiritual fiction  
書城編號: 28067985

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2024/09/03
ISBN: 9780785246862
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In this sweet, low-spice Regency romance, longtime rivals join forces at a country estate as they investigate the curious goings-on with a large collection of antiques. A perfect read for fans of Poldark, Julie Klassen, and Sarah Eden.

Olivia Brannon knows her goals are unconventional. As a young woman in Regency England, her best bet--according to society--is to marry well and secure a steady future for herself. But Olivia has never been interested in convention. She'd prefer to follow in her deceased father's footsteps and journey to foreign lands in search of rare and valuable antiquities.

Eager to make a name for herself in the antiquities world, Olivia jumps at an invitation to join a wealthy widow at the famed Cloverton Hall to evaluate her private antiquities collection. Secrecy of the task is vital, and to conceal her efforts Olivia must pretend to be a house party guest to avoid suspicion and explain her presence.

Lucas Avery, whose father was a rival of Olivia's father, has also arrived at the Cloverton Hall house party, hired by the new master of Cloverton Hall--the widow's nephew--to appraise the renowned Cloverton Hall collection. When Lucas discovers Olivia masquerading as a party guest while covertly conducting her own assessment, he's keen to renew the family rivalry. But as their paths frequently cross, he's unprepared for the effect the refreshingly honest--and beautiful--Olivia has on him.

Yet all is not as it seems. Both Olivia and Lucas are shocked by the astonishing discovery of counterfeit pieces, and when the unexpected occurs, everyone is a suspect . . . and Olivia and Lucas both must choose whom they will trust.

Get ready to fall in love with the charming characters and delightful story you'll find in The Cloverton Charade. You'll want to clear your schedule so you can escape to the English countryside of the Regency time period in this "pitch-perfect blend of suspense and sweetness" (Publishers Weekly). The Cloverton Charade is the third book in the Houses of Yorkshire series but can be read on its own.

Sarah E. Ladd 作者作品表

The Cloverton Charade ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Cloverton Charade (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cloverton Charade (DRM PDF)

The Cloverton Charade (Paperback)

In the Shelter of Hollythorne House ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: In the Shelter of Hollythorne House (DRM EPUB)

eBook: In the Shelter of Hollythorne House (DRM PDF)

In the Shelter of Hollythorne House (Paperback)

eBook: Letter from Briarton Park (DRM PDF)

eBook: Letter from Briarton Park (DRM EPUB)

The Letter from Briarton Park (Compact Disc)

The Letter from Briarton Park (MP3 CD)

eBook: Cornwall Novels: The Governess of Penwythe Hall, The Thief of Lanwyn Manor, The Light at Wyndcliff (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Light at Wyndcliff (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Light at Wyndcliff (DRM PDF)

eBook: Thief of Lanwyn Manor (DRM PDF)

eBook: Thief of Lanwyn Manor (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Governess of Penwythe Hall (DRM PDF)

eBook: Governess of Penwythe Hall (DRM EPUB)

The Governess of Penwythe Hall (MP3 CD)

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