Catholic Theatre and Drama: Critical Essays (Paperback)
作者: Kevin J. Wetmore 
分類: Theatre studies ,
Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church  
書城編號: 3568746

售價: $550.00

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出版社: Mcfarland & Co Inc
出版日期: 2010/07/15
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780786447411
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The relationship between the Catholic Church and theatre has a long and complicated history. This collection of fourteen critical essays seeks to demystify the ties--both practical and ideological--that have long bound Catholicism to theatrical production. This volume offers insights into medieval theatre, Jesuit drama, ballet and opera, modern stagings of medieval liturgical drama, Lorca and Lope de Vega as Catholic playwrights, Italian Catholic women's drama, Catholic play-wrighting and acting, and the unique challenges of teaching theatre in Catholic universities.

Kevin J. Wetmore 作者作品表

Hamilton, History and Hip-Hop: Essays on an American Musical (Paperback)

Suzan-Lori Parks: A Casebook (Hardcover)

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