Just Us: Finding Intimacy with God and with Each Other: A Devotional for Couples (Paperback)
作者: David Stoop 
分類: Christianity ,
Christian life & practice ,
Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships ,
Prayers & liturgical material  
書城編號: 3609993

售價: $130.00

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出版社: Fleming H Revell Co
出版日期: 2013/04/08
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9780800725969
>> 相關電子書

Marriages have a better opportunity of thriving when couples spend time together with God. In Just Us, David and Jan Stoop provide just what couples need to make the most of the precious time they spend together seeking God. Each week's devotions revolve around a specific theme. In just a few minutes each day, couples will focus on God's view of marriage, how God blesses marriage, how to grow in love and intimacy, faithfulness, improving communication, resolving conflicts, the roles of husband and wife, building trust, forgiveness, the importance of prayer, and how to have an intentional marriage. At the end of each devotion, couples will enjoy the "Talking Together" section with thought-provoking questions for the couple to discuss and further develop the theme or strengthen it in their marriage. By setting aside short daily times together each week, every couple has the opportunity to plant these themes deeper into their lives. What a gift for couples
David Stoop 作者作品表

Every Man's Bible-NLT (hardcover)

Life Recovery Bible-NLT (paperback)

Life Recovery Bible-NLT-Personal Size (paperback)

eBook: Solutions pratiques pour pardonner l'impardonnable (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Making Peace With Your Father (DRM EPUB)

eBook: You Are What You Think (DRM EPUB)

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