Bliss (Hardcover)
作者: Lauren Myracle 
書城編號: 3669676

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Abrams
出版日期: 2008/09/01
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9780810970717
>> 相關電子書

New York Times bestselling author Lauren Myracle offers a spine-tingling, unforgettable story of friendship gone very, very wrong.

Lauren Myracle brings her keen understanding of teen dynamics to a hypnotic horror story of twisted friendship.

When Bliss's hippie parents leave the commune and dump her at the home of her aloof grandmother in a tony Atlanta neighborhood, it's like being set down on an alien planet. The only guide naive Bliss has to her new environment is what she's seen on The Andy Griffith Show. But Mayberry is poor preparation for Crestview Academy, an elite school where the tensions of the present and the dark secrets of the past threaten to simmer into violence. Openhearted Bliss desperately wants new friends, making her the perfect prey of a troubled girl whose obsession with a long-ago death puts Bliss, and anyone she's kind to, in mortal danger.

Lauren Myracle has taken the ubiquitous friendship novel to a new, dark place.

F&P level: Z+
Lauren Myracle 作者作品表

Plays Well with Others (Hardcover)

Plays Well with Others (Compact Disc)

This Boy (Paperback)

Under the Moon (Paperback)

The Backward Season (Hardcover)

Forgetting Spell (Paperback)

Forgetting Spell (Hardcover)

Wishing Day (Paperback)

Yolo (Paperback)

eBook: yolo (DRM EPUB)

Ttyl (Paperback)

eBook: Rhymes with Witches (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bliss (DRM EPUB)

Oopsy Daisy (paperback)

Ten (paperback)

Lauren Myracle 18-copy Mixed FD w/ Riser (S-FL Dis M w/Ri)

Oopsy Daisy: A Flower Power Book (hardcover)

Violet in Bloom (paperback)

Thirteen Plus One

eBook: Ten (DRM EPUB)

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