Heart of Our Music: Practical Considerations: Reflections on Music and Liturgy by Members of the Liturgical Composers Forum (Paperback)
作者: John Foley 
書城編號: 3692232

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Liturgical Pr
出版日期: 2015/06/01
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9780814648520
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In The Heart of Our Music, master practitioners of the art of liturgical music come together to offer enriching insights, a stirring vision, and practical new ideas that will change the way you think about liturgy and liturgical ministry. These reflections are written with the needs of parish liturgists and liturgical musicians in mind.

This volume includes reflections on who sings, the kind of music they sing, the acoustic qualities of our worship spaces, the act of singing itself, the sort of idioms we use, the challenges of multicultural music, how we might better evaluate what we do, and music in the US church today.

Contributors and their articles include: "With One Voice: The Voice of the Church, the Body of Christ" by Columba Kelly, OSB; "Vox populi: Voice of People, Voice of Thunder" by Steven C. Warner; "Essentially Vocal Music for the Liturgy" by Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam; "The Spirit Breathes in the Multiplicity of Liturgical Music Styles" by Lynn Trapp; "Reflections on Multicultural Celebrations and the Composition of Their Music" by Jaime Cortez; "Three Judgments, One Evaluation" by John Foley, SJ; and "Composing for the American Church" by Tom Kendzia.

John Foley 作者作品表

eBook: Ghost of a Chance (DRM EPUB)

Ghost of a Chance (Paperback)

eBook: Checkmate!: The young player's complete guide to chess (DRM EPUB)

Checkmate!: The Young Player's Complete Guide to Chess (Hardcover)

eBook: Checkmate!: The young player's complete guide to chess (DRM EPUB)

Conservative Lumbering at Sewanee, Tennessee (Hardcover)

Conservative Lumbering at Sewanee, Tennessee (Paperback)

In and Out of the Schnoodle Bag (Paperback)

History of the Invention and Illustrated Process of Making Foley's Diamond Pointed Gold Pens (Paperback)

History of the Invention and Illustrated Process of Making Foley's Diamond Pointed Gold Pens (Hardcover)

Bear In The Fifth Floor Flat (Paperback)

Fearless Success (Hardcover)

Another Seven Simple and Slightly Silly Stories (Paperback)

eBook: Heart of Our Music: Digging Deeper: Reflections on Music and Liturgy by Members of the Liturgical Composers Forum (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Heart of Our Music: Practical Considerations: Reflections on Music and Liturgy by Members of the Liturgical Composers Forum (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Heart of Our Music: Underpinning Our Thinking: Reflections on Music and Liturgy by Members of the Liturgical Composers Forum (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Albert Camus: From the Absurd to Revolt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Albert Camus: From the Absurd to Revolt (DRM EPUB)

Albert Camus (Paperback)

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