Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance (Paperback)
作者: Kimberly Wedeven Segall 
分類: Media studies ,
Gender studies, gender groups ,
Politics & government ,
Iraq ,
Republic of South Africa  
書城編號: 3703312

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Syracuse Univ Pr
出版日期: 2016/08/04
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9780815634744
>> 相關電子書

Reflecting twenty years of research and experience--after working with guerrilla fighters in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, with Iranian refugees in Istanbul, with interreligious reconciliation groups in Morocco, and with former political prisoners in South Africa--Segall offers a groundbreaking study of globalization, gender, and resistance in public spaces. With timely correctives to the media lens of the Arab and African Spring, the author views protest not just as an economic and political act but also as a potential space of healing and creativity amidst contentious and gendered territories. Analyzing blogs, graphic novels, performances, and public testimonials, this book is unique in its attention to local expressions and creative use of technology to speak of political identities. With its impressive range of generational and gendered voices, Performing Democracy suggests hybrid protests that are voicing trauma, seeking change.
Kimberly Wedeven Segall 作者作品表

eBook: Superheroes in the Streets: Muslim Women Activists and Protest in the Digital Age (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Superheroes in the Streets: Muslim Women Activists and Protest in the Digital Age (DRM PDF)

eBook: Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance (DRM EPUB)

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