Before We Were Us (Paperback)
作者: Denise Hunter 
分類: Fiction & related items  
書城編號: 27737189

原價: HK$154.00
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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2024/09/10
ISBN: 9780840716682
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She can't remember. He can't forget. How did Lauren's number one nemesis, Jonah, become her adoring boyfriend? Can Jonah convince Lauren to remember why she wanted to stay? Love is complicated in this cozy and wholesome, small-town amnesia romance with a big-city girl and her resort co-worker.

When Lauren Wentworth wakes up in the hospital after falling from a ladder, she has more questions than answers. Way more. She knows where she is--the wilds of New Hampshire. But she's apparently lost the last four months of her life. Is she really contemplating forfeiting her big-city dream job for a position at a rustic resort? And how did her number one nemesis become her adoring boyfriend?

Jonah Landry is crushed to learn Lauren has forgotten their entire summer together. Terrified of losing her for good, he determines to help her remember their deep connection as she finishes her obligation to the resort. But soon it becomes apparent Lauren doesn't want to remember falling in love with him or rethinking the entire course of her career. She wants to pretend the summer never happened and move on with her life. Without him.

As Lauren falls back into the steady routines of resort work with Jonah, she's relieved her memories haven't returned and remains resolute about her big-city future. But as autumn leads into winter, she begins to see glimpses of the Jonah she's forgotten. Will she be able to resist the steady love of this patient man? Or is her heart destined for its own freefall?

  • Charming contemporary clean romance
  • Book length: approximately 83,000 words
  • Stand-alone novel
  • Includes discussion questions for book clubs
Denise Hunter 作者作品表

The Summer of You and Me (Paperback)

Before We Were Us ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Before We Were Us (DRM PDF)

Before We Were Us (Paperback)

Before We Were Us (Hardcover)

eBook: Before We Were Us (DRM EPUB)

Love, Unscripted ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Love, Unscripted (DRM PDF)

eBook: Love, Unscripted (DRM EPUB)

Love, Unscripted (Paperback)

Bookshop by the Sea (Mass Market Paperbound)

Wildflower Falls: A Riverbend Romance ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Wildflower Falls (Paperback)

eBook: Wildflower Falls (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wildflower Falls (DRM PDF)

This Time Around: Three Sweet Romances (Paperback)

A Novel Proposal ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

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eBook: Novel Proposal (DRM EPUB)

A Novel Proposal (Paperback)

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