What's So Funny?: Humor in American Culture (Hardcover)
作者: Nancy A. Walker 
書城編號: 3782674

售價: $1360.00

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出版社: Scholarly Resources Inc
出版日期: 1998/11/01
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9780842026871
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Critical studies attempting to define and dissect American humor have been published steadily for nearly one hundred years. However, until now, key documents from that history have never been brought together in a single volume for students and scholars.

What's So Funny? Humor in American Culture, a collection of 15 essays, examines the meaning of humor and attempts to pinpoint its impact on American culture and society, while providing a historical overview of its progres-sion. Essays from Nancy Walker and Zita Dresner, Joseph Boskin and Joseph Dorinson, William Keough, Roy Blount, Jr., and others trace the development of American humor from the colonial period to the present, focusing on its relationship with ethnicity, gender, violence, and geography.

An excellent reader for courses in American studies and American social and cultural history, What's So Funny? explores the traits of the American experience that have given rise to its humor.

Nancy A. Walker 作者作品表

Women's Magazines 1940-1960/Brown v. Board of Education Package (paperback)

Women's Magazines, 1940-1960/The Rise of Conservatism in America, 1945-2000 Package (paperback)

eBook: What's So Funny?: Humor in American Culture (DRM PDF)

eBook: What's So Funny?: Humor in American Culture (DRM EPUB)

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