The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Hardcover)
作者: James A. Brundage 
分類: European history ,
Middle Eastern history ,
Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500 ,
Christianity ,
Warfare & defence ,
Ecclesiastical (canon) law ,
Europe ,
Middle East  
書城編號: 3801745

售價: $1680.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 1991/07/12
重量: 0.7 kg
ISBN: 9780860782919
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This volume is concerned, above all, with the legal background and the juristic issues behind the ideology and practice of the medieval Crusades. This is an area that the author was the first to investigate systematically, and there are two particular reasons for his approach: one, the conviction that the historical phenomenon of the Crusades can only be adequately understood within the context of the legal systems that permeated the age; the other, that so much of the documentary evidence " be it charters, decrees even chronicles " was produced by people whose perceptions had been shaped by the law. A number of articles focus on the roles of individual crusaders, or address ideological questions, including the very concept of Holy War. Others deal with practical issues and the nature of the obligations incurred by a crusader, and examine the consequences these had, both for the institutions of medieval Europe and for the crusader's own family relationships. Ce recueil s'attache avant tout au contexte l gal et aux questions juridiques qui se trouvent la base de l'id ologie et de la pratique des Croisades au Moyen Age. L 'auteur a t le premier entreprendre des recherches de fa on syst matique dans ce domaine; deux raisons pr cises sont l'origine de cette d marche premi rement, la conviction que seule la connaissance du contexte des syst mes l gaux dont l' poque tait impr gn e, permet de bien comprendre le ph nom ne historique des Croisades; deuxi mement, le fait que quantit de documents " temoins " chartes, d crets, ou encore chroniques " sont l'oeuvre de gens dont la perception tait grandement influenc e par la loi. Un nombre d' tudes se concentrent sur la r le individuel de certains crois s, ou s'adressent des questions d'id ologie, y compris le concept m ame de la Guerre Sainte. D'autre traitent de questions d'ordre pratique, ainsi que de la nature des engagements contract s par le crois ; ils en examinent le
James A. Brundage 作者作品表

eBook: Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Profession and Practice of Medieval Canon Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Profession and Practice of Medieval Canon Law (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crusades (DRM EPUB)

The Medieval Origins of the Legal Profession (Hardcover)

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