Conservatives Against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine Pro in Comparative Perspective (Paperback)
作者: Gabriel Vommaro 
分類: Comparative politics ,
Political ideologies ,
Political parties ,
書城編號: 26180656

售價: $238.00

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出版社: Cambridge
出版日期: 2023/06/30
ISBN: 9781009418249
>> 相關電子書

This volume in the Elements series addresses the success of conservative parties in non-authoritarian contexts in contemporary Latin America. It places the core case of Argentina's Republican Proposal (PRO) party in comparative perspective with Argentina's Recrear and with Colombia's Democratic Center (CD) party and the Bolivia's Social Democratic Movement (MDS) in an effort to understand their differing degrees of success in adverse circumstances. Based on long-term research using a variety of methods, this Element shows that success has been driven by three factors: programmatic innovation by personalistic leaders; organizational mobilization of both core and noncore constituencies; and elite fear of the 'Venezuela model.'
Gabriel Vommaro 作者作品表

eBook: Conservatives against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine PRO in Comparative Perspective (DRM EPUB)

Conservatives Against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine Pro in Comparative Perspective (Paperback)

eBook: La larga marcha de Cambiemos (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Conservatives against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine PRO in Comparative Perspective (DRM PDF)

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