Events Feasibility and Development: From Strategy to Operations (0002) (Hardcover)
作者: William O'Toole 
分類: Business & management ,
Events management industries ,
Sports & outdoor recreation  
書城編號: 20097419

售價: $1890.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2021/11/29
ISBN: 9781032000930
>> 相關電子書


Events Feasibility and Development: From Strategy to Operations 2nd Edition outlines best practice in event development and the global events sector. Tools and techniques from the first edition have been refined and expanded through their use in over 20 countries, including the USA, France, UAE, Malaysia and South Africa. These include strategy development and implementation, asset management, portfolio management, return on investment, management process mapping and the feasibility study.

Fascinating current examples illustrate these professional management techniques. The second edition elaborates on the events sector maturity model as a measurement tool for cities, regions and countries. This has been tried and successfully tested in developing economies and assisted in the rapid development and sustainability of events in Dubai and many other destinations.

Each chapter contains exhibits, questions, bullet points and clear explanations of the tools and techniques. Brand new material includes:

  • A full explanation of the Maturity Model including post-pandemic solutions
  • New case studies and exhibits
  • A new section on teaching and training in event management

The chapters are fully supported by further current case studies and examples on the publisher's and the author's website. Online material also includes 11 lesson plans for a semester course, containing assessment items, learning objectives and teaching tips for each topic, and event photos and author videos explaining the topics. This will be essential reading for all students of Event Management.

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