eBook: Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mariyam Ouaissa, Mariya Ouaissa, Inam Ullah (Department of Electronic Engineering SEAS Isra Universi 
系列: Prospects in Networking and Communications P-Net
分類: Power generation & distribution ,
Automatic control engineering ,
WAP (wireless) technology ,
Computer hardware ,
Software Engineering ,
Computer networking & communications ,
Artificial intelligence  
書城編號: 27896083

售價: $650.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2024/04/11
頁數: 274
ISBN: 9781040005750
>> 相關實體書

This book presents a comprehensive exploration of LPWANs, delving into their fundamental concepts, underlying technologies, and the multifaceted challenges they tackle. This book recognizes that LPWANs don't operate in isolation; they are intimately intertwined with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies, which play a pivotal role in optimizing LPWAN performance and capabilities. The book is a collection of original contributions regarding air interface, transmission technologies and novel network architectures, such as network slicing, cloud/fog/edge computing, ad hoc networks and software-defined network. Also, this book provides a guide for researchers of IoT applications to choose suitable LPWAN technologies and describe the design aspects, network architectures, security issues and challenges. Features:Explains machine learning algorithms onto low-power wide area network sensors for compressed communications. Illustrates wireless-based Internet of Things networks using low-power wide area networks technology for quality air. Presents cognitive Internet of Things networks using wireless communication, and low-power wide area network technologies for Ad Hoc networks. Discusses a comprehensive study of low-power wide area networks for flying Ad Hoc networks. Showcases the study of energy efficient techniques aided by low-power wide area network technologies for the Internet of Things networks. The text is aimed at senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering, and information technology.
Prospects in Networking and Communications P-Net

eBook: Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends (DRM PDF)

eBook: Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends (DRM EPUB)

Mariyam Ouaissa 作者作品表

AI and IoT for Proactive Disaster Management (Hardcover)

AI and IoT for Proactive Disaster Management (Paperback)

Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends (Hardcover)

Mariya Ouaissa 作者作品表

Internet of Behavior-Based Computational Intelligence for Smart Education Systems (Hardcover)

Internet of Behavior-Based Computational Intelligence for Smart Education Systems (Paperback)

Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity (2022) (Paperback)

Computational Intelligence for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communication Networks (2022) (Paperback)

Computational Intelligence in Recent Communication Networks (2022) (Paperback)

Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity (2022) (Hardcover)

eBook: Machine Intelligence for Internet of Medical Things: Applications and Future Trends (DRM EPUB)

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