eBook: Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding and Generation (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jay Alammar, Maarten Grootendorst 
分類: Natural language & machine translation ,
Machine learning  
書城編號: 28936455

售價: $709.00

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製造商: O'Reilly Media
出版日期: 2024/09/11
頁數: 428
ISBN: 9781098150921
>> 相關實體書

AI has acquired startling new language capabilities in just the past few years. Driven by the rapid advances in deep learning, language AI systems are able to write and understand text better than ever before. This trend enables the rise of new features, products, and entire industries. With this book, Python developers will learn the practical tools and concepts they need to use these capabilities today.You'll learn how to use the power of pre-trained large language models for use cases like copywriting and summarization; create semantic search systems that go beyond keyword matching; build systems that classify and cluster text to enable scalable understanding of large amounts of text documents; and use existing libraries and pre-trained models for text classification, search, and clusterings.This book also shows you how to:Build advanced LLM pipelines to cluster text documents and explore the topics they belong toBuild semantic search engines that go beyond keyword search with methods like dense retrieval and rerankersLearn various use cases where these models can provide valueUnderstand the architecture of underlying Transformer models like BERT and GPTGet a deeper understanding of how LLMs are trainedUnderstanding how different methods of fine-tuning optimize LLMs for specific applications (generative model fine-tuning, contrastive fine-tuning, in-context learning, etc.)

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