eBook: Twentieth Century History For Dummies (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Se n Lang 
分類: History ,
General & world history ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
20th century  
書城編號: 20730606

原價: HK$260.00
現售: HK$247 節省: HK$13

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Wiley
出版日期: 2011/01/06
ISBN: 9781119997917
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The 20th Century brought revolutionary changes to our world and our lives: the human population of the world tripled, space travel became reality, two world wars and a host of other conflicts were fought, and huge advances in science, technology and communication resulted in the globalised world we know today. Enormous steps were made in wiping out widespread discrimination, from the women s suffrage movement leading to women s right to vote in western countries, to the civil rights movement in the US challenging racial segregation. The political landscape has provided lots of excitement, with charismatic and scandalous presidents in the White House, the first female prime minister in the UK, dictators working to various manifestoes across the world, the Middle East conflict and the changing balance of political and economic superpowers . Technological advances have resulted in nigh on universal adoption and dependence on automobiles, computers, mobiles and other wireless technology. The exponential rate at which technology is evolving is one of the variables that make the twentieth century so fascinating. All this and much, much more happened in a mere one hundred years where did we find the time to do so much?! Twentieth Century History For Dummies tells all...
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eBook: First World War For Dummies (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Twentieth Century History For Dummies (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Twentieth Century History For Dummies (DRM PDF)

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