European Politics: A Comparative Introduction (0004) (Hardcover)
作者: Tim Bale 
書城編號: 5085268

售價: $1290.00

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出版社: Red Globe Pr
出版日期: 2017/05/04
重量: 1.41 kg
ISBN: 9781137581341
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A fully revised fourth edition of a popular introduction to the comparative politics of Europe, written by a highly respected authority on the subject. This lively and thematically organised text provides an accessible guide to the institutions and the issues that matter in a continent where the boundaries between East and West, and between domestic and European affairs are increasingly breaking down. Covering a wide array of countries it is a concise yet comprehensive overview of one of the world's most important and fascinating regions.

Written in an approachable style and packed with up-to-date, real-world examples and information, this is the ideal place for students to begin and to deepen their understanding of Europe's politics. It can be adapted as a standalone text on modules on Comparative European Politics and will be of use as a key reading on undergraduate courses on Comparative Politics more broadly, as well as European Union Politics.

New to this Edition:
- Updated throughout to provide coverage of developments such as the Eurozone crisis, the growth of left and right-wing populism, the rise of nationalism and Europe's on-going immigration challenge
- Includes a short concluding chapter, rounding up and considering the future of the book's core themes of Europeanization and multilevel governance
- Additional country profiles on Croatia and Greece to ensure representative treatment of the key countries in Europe today

Tim Bale 作者作品表

eBook: Conservative Party After Brexit: Turmoil and Transformation (DRM EPUB)

Footsoldiers: Political Party Membership in the 21st Century (Paperback)

eBook: Sacred Cows and Common Sense: The Symbolic Statecraft and Political Culture of the British Labour Party (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sacred Cows and Common Sense: The Symbolic Statecraft and Political Culture of the British Labour Party (DRM EPUB)

European Politics (Paperback)

eBook: European Politics: A Comparative Introduction (DRM PDF)

eBook: European Politics: A Comparative Introduction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Conservative Party (DRM EPUB)

Conservative Party (Paperback)

The Conservative Party - From Thatcher to Cameron 2e (Hardcover)

Conservatives Since 1945 (Paperback)

eBook: Five Year Mission: The Labour Party under Ed Miliband (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Five Year Mission: The Labour Party under Ed Miliband (DRM PDF)

Five Year Mission (Paperback)

eBook: Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe: Why Politics - and the Centre-Right - Matter (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe: Why Politics - and the Centre-Right - Matter (DRM PDF)

European Politics (Paperback)

eBook: Conservative Party (DRM PDF)

The Conservatives since 1945: The Drivers of Party Change (Hardcover)

eBook: Conservatives since 1945: The Drivers of Party Change (DRM PDF)

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